Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Learn Guitar Notes: All About Scales And Chords

By Kate Thomas

To learn the Spanish guitar is not too difficult as long as one has basic knowledge of the fingerboard as well as a nylon string guitar to learn the intricacies of this exciting musical tradition. To the beginner guitarist this may be uppermost in his or her mind, when wanting to learn guitar notes and is often the most frequently asked question asked off the guitar teacher.

The student must learn what the correct practice is as well as how it will enable him or her to master them.Any budding guitarist would naturally have to get to know and master the Blues Scale which would be a main feature of his or her quest to learn guitar notes.

The student may have learned to do things differently and may be surprised to find the importance of the mind in the whole practice process as well as learn about how the powerful use of attention makes for awareness and, creates the right amount of muscle control that is a must for good Spanish guitar playing. The Blues Scale is a scale that can be used extensively to play all kinds of guitar solos.

One would also need to learn and master all the different chords, scales, modes as well as chord constructions. For example, to learn the C scale, one should learn the eight notes that it consists of, starting with a C and ending on a C and, it is the only scale that has neither a flat nor a sharp. In addition, one may need to learn guitar notes by understanding that major scales contain a step pattern consisting of a whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, whole step, half step. The root note is the note that corresponds with the 'key' note of a scale and, one would also need to learn the different tones.

There is also the hammer-ons as well as pull-offs that needs to be learnt and, the hammer-on is a note that is played by quickly snapping the finger down on a higher fret after the string has already been picked for a lower note. The pull-off note is played by pulling the left hand finger away from a string at an angle to let the fingertip pick the string while allowing a new note to sound. There is certainly a lot to learn in guitar notes and, one should not forget about the three chord theory or the Blues, which is the ultimate extension of the three chord theory. Other issues to sort out are the root chord, sub-dominant chord as well as the dominant chord.

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