Thursday, 21 February 2013

Twenty One - Hilariously Funny Halloween Costumes: Leaving Your Friends Laughing

By Lukas Logan

Some of the most memorable of holiday attire are keyword. These humorous outfits set a jovial mood and keep us laughing long into the evening. The possibilities are endless. Take ideas from popular culture and media and create a satirical garb. Besides, you expect the horrifying on this holiday of death and darkness. Funny Halloween costumes on the other hand are unexpected and therefore more memorable.

Avoid costumes for characters that have been done the same old way year after year. It may be difficult to find the perfect concept but once you do you will be able to develop a funny costume that is original and make it your own. Almost anything can be viewed in a humorous way so take a topic or character and look for the funny side.

A woman dressed as Barbara Walters or Sarah Palin is the same old thing. A man cross dressed and exaggerating the speech or characteristic mannerisms of either woman could be hilarious. Perhaps a man dressed as Palin carrying a huge tube of lipstick looking for pigs? It's best to poke fun without being mean spirited with your costume. Keep it light hearted to keep it funny.

You don't have to use people as your characters. You can use wildlife, pets, inanimate objects - whatever strikes your fancy. Interplaying characters with your partner or spouse is a great idea. Imagine a husband cross dressed as a maid accompanied by his wife in a cat suit dressed up as a princess or rich woman. Any cat owner knows our cats think we are staff. A costume that looks like a book might have the title as ""The Story of My Life"" and be covered with rejection slips. A cucumber might be campaigning to become a Vlasic dill pickle. There's no limit to what the imagination can find when you let it fly.

You may not be fond of famous sayings you've heard many times but they are useful when creating a costume. Everyone else has heard them and knows what they mean so find a funny, unique way to use a common ad line or phrase.

The costumes in this category can get a little bit carried away size-wise. Keep this in mind when designing or purchasing a costume. If it's too huge to fit through the doorway, it is probably not a good choice to wear to your buddies Halloween party. Many people will arrive at parties and get togethers dressed for the occasion, but that is still no excuse for being intrusive because you had to wear the largest, widest costume you could find.

Remember not all humor may be family friendly. If your costume has a sexual or other off color implication, or includes parts that are questionable for younger eyes, you may have to make some alterations. If you plan to wear your costume in public, keep in mind certain places may not allow you to enter in such attire. Always check ahead with the host or hostess of holiday parties to make sure no children or anyone else who may be offended will be in attendance.

It may take time to come with a unique concept for funny Halloween costumes but this type of make believe can often be put together using everyday items. Less complex designs and ideas will be easier to create. There are no gender boundaries for Halloween so keep your mind open. If you think about it you may find the most memorable funny Halloween costumes you've seen on others were not the most elaborate but they were unique and caused smiles and laughter from all who saw them. Edited by Svetchey Sanorols

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