Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Some Facts On Brass Plaques

By Ronald Jassephilld

When it comes to having to engrave a memory and make it last a lifetime, brass plaques are the perfect choice. It will look good in any setting and can fit many purposes, from informative signs to aesthetic appeal.

When you are to exhibit a respectable piece of work in a museum or an informative plaque for a business icon a brass plaque is a great option. An etched plaque or brass engraving with details from large to small can be a great fit whether inside or outside of a building. A brass plaque can be attached to a door or the walls, and are quite durable. The standard brass plaque is covered with oven-baked clear polyurethane to protect it from the elements and can last for a long time.

How to make your Brass Plaque last:

Brass is an alloy of copper, zinc and a oftentimes a variety of other metals. It needs occasional maintenance to keep it looking its best. Here are some tips on easy maintenance of a brass plaque:

* Gently wash off the dust, grime, and oil from the plaque using mild soap, water, and a cloth. Simply dilute mild soap into war water and dip your rag into it before you wipe the plaque.

o Toothpaste is a great way to not just clean but buff as well. Aside from detergent, you can also use vinegar. Avoid scrubbing the brass plaque as this can damage the engraving and nick the surface.

* There is polish available in hardware stores that have been designed specifically for brass. Swipe it across the plaque with a dry piece of rag.

* You can apply lacquer to the brass plaque in order to protect it and make the buff last for a long time. Use a paint brush and paint lightly. Make sure to remove the drippings before you set it aside for drying.

* To remove tarnishes, you can use acetic acid or half a lemon with table salt. You can also opt for anti tarnish cream and let it sink through the tarnish before you wipe it away with a cloth.

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