Thursday, 16 May 2013

Steps When Tying A Turban

By Jennie Sandoval

Tying a turban requires knowledge of the basic principles before tweaking it in your own way. The different styles adopted by children, men and women vary from one area to another and the purposes of dressing. Variations depend on the environment and how a particular design suits the purpose.

The basic principles must be maintained whenever turbans are tied. They include covering all the temples in the head and ensuring that the hair is fully covered as well. Ear lobes are also supposed to be covered fully regardless of the design you adopt. This means that the cloth should be of appropriate length.

Gurus are said to have gifted the turban to their followers making it sacred attire. A person who has wrapped it around the head is said to be crowned in Kaurs and Singhs. This is a throne where commitment to a higher consciousness sits. It is also a symbol of submission and readiness to serve all people in the world.

The number of wraps around the head will be determined by the length of the cloth. The traditional style has been a pointed front with several rounds of wrapping to achieve this. Variations have emerged with the designers maintaining the basics of the same style. The color is used to signify other aspects but the most common remains white.

The art of tying turbans has attracted designers who introduce modern designs. This is aimed at stirring the air around this culture and adding a new dimension to the tradition. Younger generations in the community are coming up with new styles that are a variation of the original idea. This has transformed the image of the cloth and raised the profile of these designers. It is now possible to see turbans on runways and fashion shows.

It takes time to master your favorite design. It begins by holding one end on your mouth and running the other part across the head towards the back. You should then turn it left and begin to wrap it in layers. The upper part will be covered by straightening the original strip and tucking it on the wrapped part. The length allows you to play with it and create a design.

Several advantages are associated with having the cloth on your head. The fact that it holds your head tightly gives you the power to concentrate. This is one of the teachings of guru. You will have the extraordinary powers to identify self centered individuals when they come close to you. They may cause you to lose your grace.

Those will long hair enjoy an advantage too. Tying the hair in a pony style creates a basic shape for the pointed triangular forehead. Since followers are cautioned against trimming their hair, the cloth helps to hold it in place.

The art of tying a turban needs to focus on new designs as well as traditional principles. Professionalization has not taken away the fundamental principles of this act. The entry of professionals has allowed people to view the attire in a different light. Basic principles have to be adhered to regardless of the design.

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